
As long as you leave the copyright notice of the original script, or link back to this website, you can use any of the content published on this website free of charge for any use: commercial or noncommercial. However, under the license they are released through there are limitations to what you may or may not do.

You Can:

  • Use the resources in your personal work, in whole or part.
  • Use the resources in your commercial work, in whole or part.
  • Modify the work to your personal preference.
  • Share the resources with others, under the following terms:
    • Link to the resource webpage, not the download file.
    • Use an excerpt from the webpage if necessary (don’t copy the full article and display it on your site)

You Can Not:

  • You can NOT sell the resources directly for profit (eg. Selling the items on stock resource websites)
  • You can NOT copy the full webpage and display it on your own website. (Use an excerpt by all means, but please link to the original resource download page – not the actual file.)

Highest payout rate

Possibilities are endless and everything is simple - the more traffic you send us, the more you earn! We guarantee fast payments, solid support and honest counting. Our rates will pay to $8 per 1,000 unique visitors.

Analytics & Statistics

Track your paste's web traffic and watch your earnings grow. Our dashboard lets you have full control over your pastes so you can monitor your earnings in real time.

Monthly Payments

Payments are sent on the first (1st) day of every month. You are required to earn only $5 before you will be paid. You will be paid monthly via PayPal using the email address you provided.